"Dream in Blood", 2021
Video Projection on Photographic Print
33 in * 44 in
5 min 34 sec

This multimedia-based artwork titled Dream in Blood incorporates digital drawing, video projection, and audio into one as a whole. Under the abstract blood-like projection, the drawing depicts a cyborg who is lying in her blood with Opium Poppy flowers. Along with the visual, the sound records a dialogue between a robotic voice and the artist who is taking the Voight-Kampff test.

Inspired by the song by LISTALLDO/ Treasure Hill "04 有些答案不必等",I've been thinking of how civilization and industrialization have impacted human bodies, especially on female bodies in this case. Having personally experienced the overwhelming involution in modern society, I want to address on the intense pressure and unreasonable requirements that the current human society has put on underage children, which thus results in earlier puberty since the 20th century. The dehumanization and alienation taking place in modern social norms forebodes the very likely future in which humans will become cyborgs and their physical development could be timed and controlled in order to meet the demand of the entire human community.

